Picture this: You're at a pub. You see a sign that reads, "Bogan Bingo" and you think, "Here's trouble"...
You turn the corner and you see Simon Brodie sporting a blonde mullet and a snug wife beater. And he's downing a coopers
like there's no tomorrow.
You might reach some early conclusions about this guy, but the fact is, Simon taught me a lot about comedy in this extended
interview. I now pass him on to you...
- Chapter 1: On preparing for a gig... (00:40)
- Chapter 2: On Greenfaces... (06:30)
- Chapter 3: On the comedy evaluator pro... (07:52)
- Chapter 3b: On Greenfaces again... (11:07)
- Chapter 4: On Raw comedy... (12:45)
- Chapter 5: On the rhythm of jokes... (17:35)
- Chapter 6: On Simon's philosophy of comedy... (19:45)
- Chapter 7: On making it about them... (23:25)
- Chapter 8: On Bill Hicks... (26:05)
- Chapter 9: On Dave Tulk... (31:05)
- Chapter 10: On Fitzroyalty... (36:32)
- Chapter 11: On continually improving... (39:39)
- Thanks to Simon Brodie...
Total running time: (46:51)